Quantum Stone

Fir Green

Quantenstein Tannengrün
Prices are only visible after registration.
  • P-333-TG
  • 4250209857912
  • 1 Stck
  • 0 kg
  • 19 %
Quantum Stone Fir Green Quantum stones are a blessing for mankind. Born from the purest... more

Quantum Stone Fir Green

Quantum stones are a blessing for mankind. Born from the purest water, charged with countless negative ions, it permanently releases impulses of this strengthening and with vitality pulsating water to the environment.
Negative ions are restorative, regenerative ions which are present in the air in varying densities.
Very high densities of negative ions are still found near waterfals and in natural forests.
There we can recover and draw new strength. In metropolitan areas desity is very low, so that recovery is almost impossible.
A Quantum Stone constantly emits negative ions into its immediate surroundings, especially into our bodies. As a result, we regain strength and vital energy, feel good and re-discover our inner self. Furthermore, it creates a strong positive environment, in which e.g. electrosmog or geopathic geopathic disturbances are balanced. It energises and harmonises all water in its vicinity. Thus our cellular water is constantly charged and purified. This has a profound effect on our body and our psyche.
Physician and Nobel laureate Alexis Carrel said:
"The cell is immortal. It is only the fluid that surrounds it that degenerates. Renew this fluid regularly, provide the cell with what it needs for its nourishment, and the flow of life could continue for all time."
A wide range of measurements have been taken to prove the power of the stone. Some of the studies we have posted on our homepage. We would also like to draw your attention to a YouTube film by Professor Edinger. (Just enter "quantum stone" on YouTube)

How Quantum Stone comes into Being

If water is allowed to move, roll in and out of itself, without compulsion or external influence, then through many millions to billions of rhythmic movements, a water of absolutely perfect structure is created - a fountain of youth water. A Quantum Stone is formed from petrified wood. The petrification is achieved by using a pressing process. Each stone therefore has a very high carbon content. The stone is partly placed in the fountain of youth water and partly next to it. In this way it absorbs more and more of this positive information. The maturing time of each quantum stone is about seven months. Its degree of maturity is measured again and again and only released when it has reached its optimum. At that point, the Quantum Stone holds many times the vitality of the Fountain of Youth water, which it permanently transmits back to all organisms, including water. It optimises the properties of drinking water and, more importantly, of any water in your body. It works all the times and even after a long time it does not weaken. Traditions from various ancient sources and descriptions of the "philosopher's stone" surprisingly point in the same direction. Carbonaceous matter, filled and enriched with primordial water, already existed at that time.
Different colours are derived from minerals - they are simply for personal preference, but have no effect on the power of the stone.

Details of the person responsible within the meaning of the EU Product Safety Act:... more
Details of the person responsible within the meaning of the EU Product Safety Act:

Berk GmbH & Co. KG
Gießereistraße 13-15
DE 78333 Stockach